quarta-feira, 28 de novembro de 2007



" TO SEE "

CIRCA 1943



The monitoring of the universe by the five senses is the sensitive world.
Two individual and separate units both fill all the sensitive world infinite space: the universe and man.
All that the sensitive world is about, is not loosing sight on these two individual and separate units, and the All by them formed.
" Not loosing sight on" is expression of all property on the sensitive world and, most of all, refering to the All.


The sensitive world carries out the natural organization of the five senses in the human individual unit.
The same way that on the sensitive world there are no separates ( the universe and man and both are in the All) also on nature the five senses aren't separated one from another and they don't exist but on the human individual unit.
If we separate here the human individual unit from any animal individual unit, this is not because the natural organization of the five senses isn't the same there, the way of fulfilling the natural organization of the five senses.
This, the natural organization of the five senses, is unbribable: nature allows all but it's spontainety to be alienable: take away matter from the world and where shall spirit be? If matter is organized only the spirit knows how: spirit and matter, they don't excuse one another. It's this " don't excuse one another" that which provoques sensitive units.
Without the sensitive units the world would be a desert of matter, blind, silent, scentless, tasteless and touchless: it would miss the secret of marrying the Several in the One.
Not only man but other animals, the vegetal and mineral kingdom represent the infinite sensitive units of Several and One, and in all of them nature proceeds with the same spontainety, always as on the first time, not deducting the past exactly to avoid repetition, but maintaining unchanged the unique way of creation, as proof that the organization of each sensitive unit wasn't changed. It wouldn't be viable in any other way, if it's about marrying the human individual unit with the universe individual unit we're talking about, in the All which is the only Unit where all lives and the only where each unit lives.


Before we get into the natural organization of the five senses and on their physiological, biological and psychic details, we shall still insist on that of the sensitive world concerning a first overview of it's most wide and unchangeable dimensions.
The sensitive world is, after all, a passiveness of the universe towards one active Cause, unchangeable and previous to it.
The sensitive units are formed by passivity to the active Cause, and because it is not perfect their passiveness to the point where they are the All of the active Cause, as the active Cause of the Universe cannot have parts.
And this is where man reveals itself different from all the other sensitive units of the Universe. Passivity is unanimous and only man is due to make it perfect. Perfect like the one from animals, plants and minerals.
From here is born another sensitive world, man's creation already and second cause, and another passivity to a second cause, which is no more than the time and place where it would have been perfectible the first passivity to the only active Cause.
It looks like man first wanted to win over passivity by deserting passivity alltogether. He fell into another one created by him. Had lost sight of the All.
The second cause obscured the first. He was after all the creator of death, the only death, life not lived; the lost unity.


The active Cause, the Only one, previous to the All and unchangeable, is both the most deep and the most simple. Passivity towards the most simple and the most deep is the most perfect, just because it is the most deep and the most simple.

terça-feira, 6 de novembro de 2007






I walked into a bookshop. Started counting the books there are to read and the years I'll live. They're not enough, I won't last even half the bookshop.
There must certainly be other ways of saving someone, otherwise I'm lost.
Nonetheless, the people walking in the bookshop were all very well dressed like people needing to be saved.


I bought a book on philosophy. Philosophy is the science that deals with life; just what I needed - to put science in my life.
I read the book on philosophy, I gained nothing, Mom! I gained nothing.
They told me it was necessary to be already initiated, well, I have only one initiation which is that of having been put in this world to the image of God. That's not enough?


Did I imagine there were compendiums on peoples lives, like there are compendiums on the plants lives, with everything so well explained, something like the treatment of domestic animals, isn't that so? Like horses so well done there are!
Did I imagine there was a book for people, like pills for the flu. A book as sure as a pill. A small book, with two pages, like a pill. A book that'd say it all, short and fast, like a poster, with the adress and the day.


Don't you think, Mom? For instance. There is a stray dog, dirty and hungry, you take care of this dog and he quits being stray, quits being dirty and being hungry. Even children caress him already.
They took care of the dog because the dog can't take care of himself - not knowing to take care of oneself is being a dog.
So I don't want to be taken care of, but I'd like to be helped, so I won't be like this, so that it was I the owner of myself, so that people would look at me and say: How well he knew to take care of himself!


I wanted others to look at me and say: Look, a man! Like one says: Look, a dog! when a dog walks by; like one says: Look, a tree! when there's a tree. Like that, whole; no adjectives, only one piece: A man!


But I searched through all of the lives for one to copy and none was there to copy.
Like the book, people had a beginning, a middle and an end. At first the book was calling me, in the middle the book and I held hands, in the end I got my hand sweaty from holding the book's hand.
Maybe, maybe in the other books... but the titles of the books are like people's names - don't mean anything, it's just to avoid confusions.


In the shop window there was a book called « The Trusty Counsellor». Writen in the old days by one King of the Portuguese! Writen in one way for every kind of his vassals!
Wise this man who was indeed a King! The Master who wants me to be a Master!
I think all books should be called this way. « The Trusty Counsellor»! Don't you think , Mom?
The Master wrote what he knew - for that he was a Master. Words made present the way he took notice. These words became writen because of others too. The others learned to read to became Masters - it was with this in mind that people learned to read in the old days.


I dreamt of a country where everyone would become a Master. Each one would start by cutting a feather as a pen and start listening to the universe; next, they would make the materials from the paper where they would scribble the confidences received directly from the universe; then, they would reach to the bottom of the rocks because of the black ink of the squids; they would carve each letter, each type with which they composed their words; and pulled out of the tree the press that would grasp tightly their discoveries so they met the others. It was like this that in this country everyone became a Master. It was like this that the Masters wrote the sentences that shall save humanity.


- The small is like the large.
- What is above is like what is under.
- The inner is like the outer of things.
- Everything is in everything.






Dear Ladies and Gentlemen:
Women and men are the two halves of humanity - the male half and the female half.
There are whole things made out of two halves where you can't separate. Example: humanity, with it's male half and it's female half. Each of these halves would cease to be half if there wasn't another half.
The line between these two halves looks very much like the air inside a sea sponge, dry.


I remember an oil painting there was in my house. The oil painting was full of Desert yellow. The yellow of the Desert was longer than a man's life were it not for the gallop of the horse where the arab kidnaps the blonde girl.
In the oil painting there was a palmtree. The palmtree was so small as the emerald in the blonde girl's ring. The palmtree was that small because it was in the distance.
It was towards the palmtree that the horse ran.
There was another oil painting when they'd reached the shadow in the palmtree. The horse was laying, as dead. The arab, that, had never been yet tired - he held the blonde girl in his arms, like the emerald was on the ring.
The oil paintings where three. On the third one there was the blonde girl alone giving her breast to a real baby.


These three oil paintings explain very well how one can be a woman and how one should be a man. Women like the blonde girl, men like the arab.
A man - know to kidnap; a woman: deserve to be kidnapped.
Example of a man who knew to kidnap: the arab. Example of a woman who deserved to be kidnapped: the blonde girl in the oil paintings.
To be the arab to find the blonde girl; be the blonde girl so that there is the arab.


But let's not talk without foundations. We are not somewhere.
We are here in this hall, where I say the conference - the floor, the ceiling, and four walls. You and me.
For orientation purposes, here where I stand will be North, to the end of the hall South, East there and West over there.
Let this be straight between you and me, so that, when I call South to here where I am, you rise, protest, and say not, South is to the end of the hall.



The price of one person is seen in the way he likes to use words. You can read it on people's eyes. Words dance in people's eys according to the stage in the eyes of each one.


Words are fashionable. When the season ends for some words, it's start of the season for other words. The ones leaving come back later. They always come back, and always changed. Each time more travelled.
Then they say goodbye and yet still come back after having said goodbye. In short - all that woundrous "tournée" that spins our head around until the day when it's ourselves who wind up the words so that they dance.


Women and men where scattered along the Earth. Some wondered, some had became tired. The ones who wondered opened their mouths, the ones who had became tired also opened their mouths. They both opened their mouths.
There was a lone man who noticed this diference - there were people in wonder and others that were tired.
Then he noticed even better: Everyone was in wonder, then they couldn't stay in wonder and they became tired.
People were sad or happy according to the light for each one - more light, happy - less light, sad.
The lone man stood thinking about this diference. So he wouldn't forget, he carved some signs on a rock.
This lone man was from my race - he was an Egiptian!
The signs he carved on the rock to measure the light inside people, they were called hieroglyfs.
Later there came another lone man that made these signs even easier. He made twenty two signs that were enough for all the combinations under the Sun.
This lone man was from my race - he was a Fenician.


Every day is the aniversary of when words were invented.
One must celebrate everyday the centenary of words.


Some words make the heart beat faster - all words - some more than others, anyone more than all of them. According to the places and positions of the words. According to the side from where they are listened to - from the Sun side or from the side where there's no Sun.
Each word is a piece of the universe. A piece that the universe needs. All the words together form the Universe.
Words want to be in their places!


We are not from the century of inventing words. Words have been invented already. We're from the century of inventing again the words that have already been invented.


I spend my days trying places and positions for words. It's a game I like. It's my fancy.
Everything around here comes through words - every fancy.

I put together some of these word games. These are the words I bring forth. They're not ready yet - they're parts of things, here and there, like a young boy, like a young girl. Like horses when they're young - you can see it's a horse but you can also see it's not finished. Legs have grown faster than the spine. The head too big is already the size it shall remain. Everything holds together provisionally - not ready yet, you can see clearly it's not all.


I grabbed a handfull of words and layed them on the table. They stood like this:


Humanity opened rows - the two great rows of humanity. One on the right, the other on the left. the Earth down, the Sun above.
Something is about to happen - the passers-by go faster, the others are already waiting.
The two great rows of humanity there they are in front of each other. Don't raise your arms! don't turn your heads!
The Earth down, the Sun above!
The man-who-knows-how-to-live hasn't arrived yet!
The two great rows of humanity want to see with the eyes on their faces the man-who-knows-how-to-live!
The two great rows of humanity don't want but to see with the eyes on their faces the man-who-knows-how-to-live!
The Earth down, the Sun above!
Jesus Christ steps down alone between the two great rows of humanity. The two great rows of humanity reach out with their arms for Jesus Christ.
One of the two rows blames the other row, and this blames that.

Jesus Christ steps down alone between the two great rows of humanity, not nearer to one than the other.

The two great rows of humanity.

Jesus Christ has just passed between the two great rows of humanity, not having been nearer to one than the other.

The two great rows of humanity.

The Earth down, the Sun above.